020 8543 3673

Osteopathy for mothers

Osteopathic treatment for pregnant woman and babies uses very gentle techniques.

Pregnancy is a complex and dynamic time of rapid physical change. Therefore, osteopathic care in pregnancy is focused on helping the expectant mother to manage the aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Post natal treatments can help the body recover from giving birth, and adapt to the physical changes involved in motherhood.

Treatment in pregnancy is always very gentle and careful. In general treatment in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) is not recommended, but please contact us to discuss if you are uncertain.

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Just before Christmas, my back ‘went’. By ‘went’ I mean I could barely walk and had constant pain in my lower back and leg. I was off work and spent most of the time lying on the floor. I was treated by Stephen and Simon, both of whom have a professional but very calm manner – ideal for anyone who’s in a lot of pain. They identified muscle and sciatic nerve damage. They obviously knew what they were doing because the pain gradually started to ease, such that by the beginning of March I was back on the treadmill in the gym. Would I use SW19Osteopaths again? Definitely. Only this time I’d go sooner.

Sam B, SW19

I am from Greece. I have a severe musculoskeletal problem affecting my upper and lower back. In my country, I have physical therapy sessions weekly for the past 30 years. I came to London to visit my daughter for 4 months. I had to find a therapist so as not to cease treatment for my back. I visited Simon after reading the reviews on the center’s website. Without any hesitation I want to say that I was ecstatic with the results of his work. Simon was able to meet all my needs based merely on my descriptions without even having to see X-rays of my back. He is incredibly nice, knowledgeable, motivated and friendly. I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart and I hope that he stays well and continues to offer his services to people in need for many many years to come.

Eleni from Greece.

I saw Yan-Kei Man following a musculoskeletal injury, which she helped me treat. Impressed with Yan-Kei's professionalism and attentiveness, I have since introduced my young kids (3 and 5 years old) to osteopathy. In hindsight, a wise decision given that a scooter accident had left my 5 year old with a slight postural dysfunction. I thoroughly recommend Yan-Kei for her specialisation and impeccable manners.


Having suffered from a shoulder injury since last September and following unsuccessful physio, I decided to try SW19 Osteopath and Yan-Kei has been amazing. Not only has my mobility greatly improved as has my posture and knee pain, I am no longer in pain. Amazing at how effective this has been for me in such a short period of time, and I now am able to return back to sports. Yan-Kei explains what she is doing and definitely is invested in my well-being and although I am so much better, I will make this as part of my self care and ensure that I visit her every 5 – 6 weeks to re-balance myself. I highly recommend Yan-Kei; I truly feel she has worked wonders for me.

Maria, Colliers Wood

Steve always manages to put me back together again - then life is a pleasure!

Erica, Africa

After suffering with severe pain in the left hand side of my back, I decided to seek advice from Simon. I had previously sought medical advice, but the condition had not improved. On the first consultation Simon took detailed notes and then suggested that I could be suffering from Spondylosis. He examined my back and spine and found that this was the case. He is a very caring and conscientious practitioner. I have been treated by Simon on a regular basis and he has made me feel much better and with his treatment and advice, the pain has decreased considerably. I would thoroughly recommend his service.

Penny, Colliers Wood

Over the last 6 months Lara has effectively used the Emmett Technique to eliminate my persistent lower back pain as well as foot and heel pain. She has also been able to relieve stress and tension from my neck and shoulders. The relief, as a result of her treatments, is immediate and long-lasting. I would highly recommend her treatments.

Amanda, Wimbledon

My daughter has just played her cello for the first time in four months without experiencing pain. Stephen, we are amazed and delighted!

J. Wimbledon

Lara’s thoughtful, gentle, confident and knowledgeable approach results in the most expert therapeutic massage one could hope to receive. The outcome is therefore a very holistic one in which specific discomforts have been eased with and overall relaxation achieved at the same time. 

Helen, Colliers Wood

I have had several treatments with Steve over the years for neck pain, back pain and under active thyroid. Steve has natural healing hands as well as a bank of experience and knowledge, which enhance his effectiveness. He is a very skilled practitioner both sensitive and subtle with powerful results; I have completely recovered from these conditions.

Chrissie C Streatham