020 8543 3673


Published on: Friday 1st March 2019

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Stephen; I feel so much better after the treatment. It is quite a remarkable improvement. I have regained almost 100% movement in my thoracic spine and my lower back is gradually loosening up. I can now feel and use my stomach muscles again. I have gone from spending two very bad nights as I could not get comfortable in any position and experiencing a succession of very painful and exhausting spasms to being able to sleep on my back and my side. My breathing is also deeper. I cannot thank you enough for fitting me in your busy working day, and for doing the treatment on a chair and for giving me the confidence to relax so that healing can take place.

Sabine, SW London

Stephen has been my osteopath for many years and has helped me recover from several serious operations. The atmosphere in the clinic is so calm and relaxing, and Stephen is an absolute professional in everything he does. He truly has healing hands.

Laura D

After suffering with severe pain in the left hand side of my back, I decided to seek advice from Simon. I had previously sought medical advice, but the condition had not improved. On the first consultation Simon took detailed notes and then suggested that I could be suffering from Spondylosis. He examined my back and spine and found that this was the case. He is a very caring and conscientious practitioner. I have been treated by Simon on a regular basis and he has made me feel much better and with his treatment and advice, the pain has decreased considerably. I would thoroughly recommend his service.

Penny, Colliers Wood

I have seen Charley for several months for my neck pain, sinus pain and knee pain. Her gentle but assertive treatments have released the tension and relieved the pain – instantly in the case of my neck. She also provided exercises and advice, which I continue to use. I would recommend her without hesitation.

Katherine, Wimbledon

I've been visiting the practice since February and have been seen by Yan-Kei. I'm just writing to leave a brief review of the practice and of her. The treatment I have received from Yan-Kei has benefited me greatly and I am improved in all aspects of life. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who feels any sense of discomfort and seeks to change their life for the better. Look forward to my next visit


I thought the treatment for pain in my knee was excellent. I felt I was being considered as an individual as Stephen listened to everything I said and gave a treatment appropriate to my needs. His approach was non-invasive. I began to notice an improvement in my knee after a couple of days and the pain has not recurred. To me, it felt as if each treatment enabled my body to correct itself and rebalance.

Sabine, Wimbledon

Hey Charley! Just letting you know my tennis elbow is basically solved – no pain, at all. Quite remarkable. THANK YOU so much.

Zubin (Sydney, Australia)

Lara’s thoughtful, gentle, confident and knowledgeable approach results in the most expert therapeutic massage one could hope to receive. The outcome is therefore a very holistic one in which specific discomforts have been eased with and overall relaxation achieved at the same time. 

Helen, Colliers Wood

Just before Christmas, my back ‘went’. By ‘went’ I mean I could barely walk and had constant pain in my lower back and leg. I was off work and spent most of the time lying on the floor. I was treated by Stephen and Simon, both of whom have a professional but very calm manner – ideal for anyone who’s in a lot of pain. They identified muscle and sciatic nerve damage. They obviously knew what they were doing because the pain gradually started to ease, such that by the beginning of March I was back on the treadmill in the gym. Would I use SW19Osteopaths again? Definitely. Only this time I’d go sooner.

Sam B, SW19

My daughter has just played her cello for the first time in four months without experiencing pain. Stephen, we are amazed and delighted!

J. Wimbledon